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Born: 11th December 2020
Kilnrae Hallmark JW x Dunfionn Sanda for Gailiech JW
We are so excited about the Rainbow litter. They are from Aili and Boomer (Kilnrae Hallmark JW).
2020 is a year no one will forget. During this year, the rainbow became the symbol of hope, the symbol of the NHS which Jill still and Mark has previously worked in.
Therefore it seemed fitting to name them after rainbows in mythology from around the world:
Gailiech Bilröst (Norse Mythology)
Gailiech Indra Archers Bow (Hindu Mythology)
Gailiech Ninurta (Sumerian Mythology)
Gailiech Ngalyod (Australian Aboriginal Mythology)
Gailiech Izanagi (Japanese Mythology)
Gailiech Iris Goddess (Greek Mythology)
Gailiech Kahukura (Māori Mythology)

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